Technical Manuals
Delivering standards compliant technical manuals has been one of Conley's top services for more than 20 years. We develop and deliver manuals covering the operation and maintenance for numerous pieces of equipment. Ground support, aviation, watercraft, electronics, and electrical systems are the primary subjects for our tech manuals.
Our state-of-the-art authoring and illustration tools give CAI the ability to work with military and commercial specifications. We have experience with SGML, XML, MIL-STD 38784, MIL-STD 40051, MIL-STD 2361, DITA, DocBook, and others. Conley also has expertise with AutoCad and the Army's EMS NG IETM authoring and display tool set. We use publishing tools such as FrameMaker, Arbortext, and Antenna House. Writers are adept at authoring Quick Reference Guides (QRG) and Technical Bulletins (TB). Authors and SMEs tailor the content of each manual to the target user. Prior to final delivery, we validate the completed version against the hardware. Conley's quality control process ensures that the final product will be of the highest quality.
Technical staff possess extensive knowledge in analyzing usage, reliability, maintainability, and repair capability. Staff is experienced in maintainer skills, test equipment, and facilities for a system's subsystems, assemblies, and sub-assemblies. Because of their backgrounds, technical writers can prepare a detailed Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), a Core Depot Assessment (CDA), and a Best Value Analysis (BVA) throughout a system's lifecycle. CAI develops Maintenance Allocation Charts (MAC) that describe the maintenance functions to be performed and the time, tools, and test equipment necessary to complete them. Our technical authors also prepare provisioning documents in accordance with MIL PRF 45906. We deliver the LSA 036 with its associated Provisioning Parts List (PPL), Engineering Data for Provisioning (EDFP), provisioning, and other pre-procurement screening lists as required by DOD 4100.38M.
Conley provides high quality and cost-effective technical documentation for both military and commercial customers. To learn more, please contact us at (636) 230-0234.