Newsletter, SDC Excerpt

What is SDC?
Sample Data Collection (SDC) is an integrated, closed-loop, field data collection and management system that collects maintenance and logistics data, through on-site observation of a sample number of designated end-items operating in selected organizations for specific periods of time.


Sample Data Collection is designed to:

  • Improve major end item performance
  • Improve logistics supportability
  • Improve maintainability of system

SDC, when done by an experienced contractor, will do that and much more. The effects of SDC are felt throughout the supply chain, the Government Accounting Office (GAO), and the soldier in the field.


Benefits of SDC

SDC impacts the bottom line. A recent Benefit Review suggests a savings of $14.55, over the life of the howitzer, for every $1 spent on SDC. Government dollars are saved through the dissemination of important information to the LW155 SDC community, the performance of improvements, the streamlining of processes, and planning.


Improvements happen throughout the entire program but primarily effect:

  • System Design
  • Maintenance Procedures
  • IETM/TM Corrections

Suggestions/Recommendations go straight to engineers for consideration. The process is much streamlined, getting improvements implemented much quicker.


Future system planning can be decided upon with the hindsight of previous system parameters that would have not been otherwise available.


Operating cost planning can be more accurately determined by data collected over time. For example, if you know a part is likely to fail every 500 kilometers, you will be able to plan repair/replacement costs into your budget.


What the Unit Can Expect From SDC
Data is collected in a manner that ensures anonymity and noninterference to the unit. Our employees have years of experience in data collection, military maintenance and supply, and training on the specific responsibilities they need to accomplish their mission. Our programming staff understands the data collection process and help to insure data accuracy through cross checking of the data, validation on input, and experience.


We recognize the Commander's main concern is SDC impact on the unit. Minimizing the impact of our activities helps to identify possible issues, maintains a positive experience in relations with unit staff, and is part of our mission. We stress non-interference with unit mission or activities to all our data collection personnel.


Our responsibilities include:

  • Evaluate Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) performance.
  • Evaluate System provisioning, technical publications, maintenance procedures, support equipment and supply system.
  • Support new system development and evaluate product improvements.
  • Provide input to Operational and Support (O&S) cost studies.
  • Support Manpower Requirements studies.
  • Non-Interference with unit activities.
  • Minimize impact while we insure accuracy, anonymous data collection, and perform our duties in a timely and professional manner. Great care is taken to preserve unit/user/howitzer identity.


Field Service Representatives

In order to collect the most accurate data, our Field Service Representatives (FSRs) work on-site with soldier and civilian operators and maintainers. Often times, this requires the FSR to travel to training areas, remote and local, to observe and document training exercises. Filling the role of FSR is no small task. Collecting and submitting data is only a fraction of the FSR's daily responsibilities. The FSR must be a subject matter expert in order to accurately draw conclusions when full incident details are incomplete or vague. Additionally, in order to fully document incidents, FSRs must be highly proficient with technology - computer operation, photography, and videography. Above all, FSRs must be effective communicators in order to establish and maintain trusting relationships with the soldiers and civilians who use the weapon systems. It is not uncommon for soldiers to ask the FSR for assistance tracking part requisitions and a wide range of other topics that may include: training deficiencies, technical manual corrections/deficiencies, submitting product quality deficiency reports, and submitting RMA claims for warranted components.